Papaya girl part 1


I'm bringing Paya back! I tried to figure out her outfit one or two Summers ago, but threw the idea out. Though to my credit I wasn't too far off now that you can find proper concept art of her. I'm so happy to get to her again~. <3 She's so cute and sweet girl and I'm having a good time playing Breath of The Wild, so a cosplay project from that game shouldn't come as a surprise. ^^

I started from the wig, cuz that's always fun. I have this white wig with quite short cut bangs, so I started cutting and styling it. That was the easy part though, the side parts and the bun were really something. Now the sides I had to redo like once so they cooperated with me pretty well.

Pretty nice, starting off quite strong.

The bun part was horrible to work with. The end result was always either too messy, the placement wasn't right or the bun wouldn't hold together at all! I had to work with that sucker like 5 times and even now I'm a little paranoid that it will fall apart or something <_<

errrr... yeah no...

Not quite like this either..

This will do!

Once the placement and the overall look was acceptable for me, I also sewed some wefts to the back so everything is nice and covered. Sure the wefts are a little more silver-y, but they don't show that strongly. They blend in quite nicely in the white hair.

Now to the fun parts, the hair accessories! Yay! :D I started from the side parts, which is literally just red shoe lace that I cut a bit and added them to the thingies. Just like with Linkle's braids really, nothing special there.

Sorry for the blurry/messy photo ^^''

After that I moved on to the "eye" accessory on the bun. For the red lace and holds everything together, I used the same red shoelace and for the eye I bought silk clay. I bought a container of it since it was on sale, also I wanted to see how it works. :)

Picture for reference

I started by sketching the eye on paper first just see the measurement. I didn't want it to be too big for my wigs bun or too small either.

Ended up with this, though I did make the holder (the upper square thing) a little bigger.

After I was happy with the sketch, I crabbed some silk clay, turned it into a slate, adjusted the thickness and cut the patterns (the holder, eye, the ring around it etc). While the clay was moist it was easy to "glue" everything with water. I just wet my finger a little bit and swiped some water on the part I wanted to glue. The end result looks like this:


I didn't notice that much shrinking when it dried. At the same time I worked on the hair sticks. Made them out of fimo. :) 
Before painting I added maybe two layers of gesso. Pretty straight forward. 

Soo shinyyy~

Back to the laces again, I sewed them together by hand, added press stud to the back of it so I can open it and remove it if necessary.

Moving on to the hair sticks. As I said I made them out of fimo. After baking them I sanded them, since they were a little too big and crooked from places. After this I painted them. Nothing special.

There they are! Yay!

Since we're talking about accessories here, I would like to add Paya's necklace to this one too! The shape of them were a little unclear, but I ended up using wooden pearls. 

My pearls of choice.

All I did was prime these suckers with gesso I think and painted them with acrylic paint. Used some clear nail polish for shiny result. 

Hanging by my window, waiting 'till they're dry :)

Result :)

Phew! Part two is coming soon~! Thank you for reading, I'm out. :D


  1. This looks so good so far! What is that silk clay exactly, does it air dry and is it of the kind that will break if you drop it etc? How much did you pay for it, is it worth trying? :-DD Cuz when I google silk clay it appears to be some colorful kid stuff and now I'm hella confused lol.

    1. Silk clay is pretty much like foam clay I think. It air dries and doesn't break when dropped, feels pretty much like EVA foam really :D It's about 3€/container (40g). It's advertised for kids yes so I definitely understand the confusion, but I was interested how it worked lol. I've heard there are many alternatives for foam clay and this seems to be one of them :D

    2. Ooh interesting! I will have to try it out myself, it sounds like it'd be pretty nice to use for small decorations and such. Thanks~ :D


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