Crystal Mommy part 2

 Hi everyone!

This time we are working on Venat's mask and other little accessories she has on her robe.

Picture found from google, probably the most clear shots I could find where the mask is seen clearly

Ancient mask sold in Square Enix-shop

The overall silhouette of the mask I cut from from 3mm foam sheet. I did a couple paper drafts first to get the size right.  
I also drew on the pattern for some reason? Good thing I did though..

I wasn't sure what I was doing. I tried covering it and do the details with black worbla, but that didn't turn out right...
I'm Buttman!

And here's the botched detail work... It's very goofy and the placement is so off! RAHHH

Me with this (and every) cosplay

So.. I heated it up just a little bit and ripped the worbla off from the mask. It wasn't glued on or anything and came off pretty easily...
The worbla mask shell.. a husk even.

The foam itself was fine, a few scratches aside. The design also was visible, so I decided to use it as my guideline and finally use my 3D pen I got from my mom (I think it's from Lidl). I would draw the details and THEN cover the whole thing with worbla. I had no idea what I was doing once again, but I had to give it a go.

3D pen and a roll of filament. I used white and as you can see, I used almost the whole thing!

Using the pen for the first time was definitely tricky and messy. I probably could've used way less filament, but I kept messing up. Drawing went a lot smoother when I stopped trying to make it too clean. I was going to cover it up anyway. The filament didn't really "stick"... or it did enough, but it was also very easy to peel off btw. 

Ta-dah! It's messy af right now, but trust the process :'D


Worbla saved it. It looks so much nicer now, but I couldn't get the details to pop without sculpting tools! There are many kinds out there, but mine are by Fimo, bought from Prisma.

These ones are plastic, I used to have metallic ones, but I think they're at my parent's house somewhere...

My favorite tool for the job!

Then the paint job! Which was kinda straight forward. I painted the base with white acrylic paint (3 layers I think) and continued from there. Aka. painted the details with silver paint and used glossy spray varnish to finish it.

White blob, probably second layer~


Now the rope detail thingy where the mask hangs. I bought a curtain tie(?) from Kangaskukkula Kemi. No tassles in the ends fit, just rope. Venat has some pearls or stones or something like that on it.

These things

Those I made out of fimo and the tassles I used the same embroidery yarn I used for the detail panels in part one.

Ermm... yeah... Something like that.

It was pretty simple really, make a couple decorative stones, bake them, paint them and glossy varnish again. Tie them to the rope, add tassles, done! How do I attach the mask to the rope? I used velcro. I wanted to use magnets, but I didn't have enough of them and I was running out of time. The velcro held for the whole convention day, no issues (for now).

I know, I'm going to paint the back white later.

Another part covered. Next time we'll tackle the wig and do some makeup tests. Until then, bye!


  1. This turned out so well, GG! I need to see if I can find a 3D pen too, it seems hella convenient for small detail work lol. :'D


    1. It really is! You're welcome to give mine a go at some point to get a proper feel of the tool. It's pretty neat! B)



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