Kummacon 2023 Summary!
Hi everyone! I went to Kummacon this year! I wasn't supposed to, since I had night shifts and no one seemed to cover for me, until on Friday morning a coworker sent me a message, telling me she could cover for me, so I could go and have fun for the weekend! I can't thank this person enough! ;__; I just-... äääää! The con was held in 20.-21.5, but I only attended Saturday (20th), since I had a B-day party to attend that same day and I was going to be too hangover to go on Sunday and I was . ^^'' Since this visit came in as a surprise, I didn't really actively work on Imogen as I was supposed to, so I fixed Takao's school uniform and wore that! :D It still wasn't perfect, but definitely felt better about it than in Desucon 2022! Takaoooo~ I woke up somewhere around 8 am. Let my partner sleep longer since it would take some time for me to put on my makeup and other stuff. Lenses were particularly shitty that morning. Once I got everything on we took my car and...