Kummacon 2023 Summary!

 Hi everyone!

I went to Kummacon this year! I wasn't supposed to, since I had night shifts and no one seemed to cover for me, until on Friday morning a coworker sent me a message, telling me she could cover for me, so I could go and have fun for the weekend! I can't thank this person enough! ;__; I just-... äääää!

The con was held in 20.-21.5, but I only attended Saturday (20th), since I had a B-day party to attend that same day and I was going to be too hangover to go on Sunday and I was. ^^'' Since this visit came in as a surprise, I didn't really actively work on Imogen as I was supposed to, so I fixed Takao's school uniform and wore that! :D It still wasn't perfect, but definitely felt better about it than in Desucon 2022!


I woke up somewhere around 8 am. Let my partner sleep longer since it would take some time for me to put on my makeup and other stuff. Lenses were particularly shitty that morning. Once I got everything on we took my car and drove to Oulu. We were on the road somewhere after 9 am. We did have to make a stop for gas and coffee though.

It was a pretty sunny day! Surprisingly warm actually!

On the way to Oulu my furry ears's magnet system gave up and one of the ears fell on my lap. At least they gave up at that point and not in the con. My windows were also closed so they didn't fly off anywhere! :D I just have to fix them, I know what went wrong, though it did bum me out a bit.


Once we arrived the con venue we pretty much went to check Artist's Alley and other vendors (Urumi, Manga Café and Omoi) right away. The first panel we wanted to see would be at 12, and we were there probably at 11.30 or something like that. The panel was actually the guest of honor's panel about writing fantasy and what can go wrong during the process. I don't really write, but I still found the subject quite interesting. After that we would head to town since I needed cash and my bf wanted to go to Pelimies and Fantasia Pelit since we drove all the way there. 

Outside the venue (International School of Oulu)

The entrance~


I have arrived~

In the panel, wasn't too crowded

In the panel I actually bumped into Firith in his Miku-cosplay! :3 It was a nice surprise. I was supposed to hang out with my bf, but I couldn't pass this opportunity to get some pictures taken. 

Fren ❤

Taken by Firith

Taken by Firith

After taking pics, having coffee and shopping, Firith and I decided to go see the cosplay competition. We haven't watched one or competed in a while so this would be interesting for us. My bf was getting anxious around so many people, so he went to the car and read some manga he bought (and took a nap).

All the contestants

Honestly there was so many impressive cosplayers! So much skill and creativity, I was just so impressed! Also the variety of talent that I saw was amazing really. Some were amazing with props, others with wigs and makeup and so on. I'm going to the trash now. Also the dance show before the winners were announced was good! I really enjoyed it! :3 Thank you BLUFF! ^^

BLUFF dance group! ★

After the winners were announced I took a quick trip to Manga Café and Artist's Alley before leaving. Also I had to greet Shiro Samurai, whom had been working in the cafe pretty much the whole day. :D

After that little hangout it was my time to go. People were waiting for me in Kemi, so I had to hurry a little. Still I had a great time with everyone! This was a nice opening to the con season! :3 

Now here's some con loot! Sadly I don't remember the artists, so please give me the sauce if you know! I want to credit them!

My jaw dropped! I don't think I've ever seen anyone sell Dishonored art anywhere. I just had to get this coaster! It's my son after all! ❤ *crying* *screaming* *gagging*

I had to take both home.❤

This artist had a clear nostalgia theme. It was so difficult to choose two prints! They all were so cute and pink and pretty! ;__;

This artist also had so much cute stuff, but this bulbasaur was just so adorable I couldn't leave him ❤

My bf got the Hellsing manga and I had to get that Princess Ai :3

This is where I end the con summary. I definitely have to remember to take more pictures, but this is still better than before! :D Next con will be Desucon, so I have some cosplays to work on! 
See you again soon! ❤



I'll cha cha cha away now....💚


  1. It was so nice to see you two although briefly! :'D Great summary! Sadge we couldn't hang more cuz I had hamburger responsibilities eiku.
    Also that last pic — I can hear it and it will now live forever rentfree in my head. xD Cha Cha Cha 4 lyff!


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