
Showing posts from August 15, 2013

A tiny change..

Just saying that my Saturday cosplay to Animeseminaari will change from this: To this Unohana again... So my plans will look like this now: Saturday: Character: Retsu Unohana Series: Bleach Sunday: Character: Retsu Unohana Series: Bleach The reason why changing was that I don't need to carry that much things with me, all I need to pack is just one cosplay. And now I don't need to be afraid of wearing skirts! >8DDD And I just noticed this is my first con withOUT Hakuouki this year! \o/ Aaaaaaaaaand now I'm going to pack my cosplays, byeee~ <3 See ya real soooooooooooooon~ >8D Ei, en aio silti hakata ketään... ehkä >8D