The fate of Chizuru's wig // Something about Tracon
Again unnecessary post about wigs? =_= Here's the thing, I bought a new wig for Chizuru. The other one was... well.. not as good as it could be (probably because I had to cut it for some reason), but it's okay! I have a new one now! And the old was able to be used for something else! You'll find that out later while reading this post.. This new wig I bought was a little bit too long and curly, so guess who had to show the straightening skills again? >8D The wig before straightening and cutting. Dem hair clips. The lowest layers done. Done. That clip is just there to show you guys how much I had to cut. After cutting and putting it to a ponytail: What happened to that old one? D: -The old one became Kaoru-cosplay wig for ShiroLuna mah brotha! o/ <3 Still kinda thinking this is more like Chizuru than Kaoru idk... And now about Tracon VIII! You'll see me cosplaying as Arisa Uotani (Fruits Basket) there on Saturday for 100% s...