
Showing posts from September 12, 2016

I'm late. That's how it is.- Animeseminaari

I'm always late. That's like a personal feature of mine. Please love me for what I am. Anyway! Animeseminaari was held long time ago, yet here I am, trying to remember everything that happened during that day. I went to Animeseminaari with Shiro Samurai and my little brother.We didn't have that much time to spend in the "con", but this isn't a big event anyway, so checking it out was enough. This years Animeseminaari was a huge improvement from last year! Then again it was held in Valve again, which obviously works a lot better than a library. I can't remember much in detail how the day went, but when we arrived the con, we basically checked the merchandise. I remember having a quick chat with this one seller about Super Sonico since she's our waifu. I remember unnecessary shit.  It did not take long until we found ourselves in the artist's alley. That's when I found a couple of stickers. One manatee and one black fluffy cat wi...