Old cosplays I'm going to remake!
Hiii~! Realizing that before Linkle happened, the "newest" cosplay I've made was Fiona Belli from Haunting Ground! It was long ago since I made it and most of my older cosplays are now fabric/material donors. There are definitely still some I want to remake and cosplay in the future as well (and get better/up to date pics)! Here are the ones that came to mind.. Sheena Fujibayashi - Tales of Symphonia Now my wife Sheena here is still one of my favorite female video game characters of all time. She really left a mark on me and I want to cosplay her again, though this time it'll be improved! I want the whole cosplay look more crisp and accurate, the colors of choice were way off and the blue wig I used isn't doing it for me anymore. And also I'm going to have Corrine on my side! I've always wanted to learn how to make plushies. ^^ Also proper boot covers that actually hold together! Though I must add that there are other versions in the game I'm intereste...