Dice children I want to cosplay (updated version)
Hi travellers! I wanted to make a post about some original characters I want to cosplay, but I wanted to include some kind of picture of them, so I took a very long time to check color schemes, sketching different designs and once I got something I was happy, I ended up redesigning them again after some time again, (and again!) lol. Well, I can say they're finished now. These are my Dungeons and Dragons characters. Sure I have some other original characters I made in the past for different types of role plays and yeah I want to rewrite and redesign them, but I'm not as invested in them as I am in these babes. :) Name: Vamppi/Isabella Tealeaf Race: Halfling Class: Bard/Fighter This brave little halfling was the first character I created. I didn't have any idea what I was going to do with her. Just like with any rp, the character grew and evolved while playing. To say something about her backstory she had a rough start. Her father was very abusive physic...