Valentine's Day photoshoot

Hey everyone!

As I am writing this it's Valentine's Day! It's no that big where I live, but I still wanted to do something fun. I first considered a makeup test, but since the top part of Guildmarm is done, I decided to photoshoot her a little. Basically just some portrait photos, but still. Hope you like these!

Cosplayer: Yours truly

Photographer: Kim Ratavaara

Tell Brachy he has a nice tail ❤

Obligatory selfie


As I was dressing up my cat needed attention ❤

Happy Valentine's day everyone!


  1. Omg you look so good as Guildmarm, so cute! ;w; The cosplay is coming along really well too, can't wait to see it all done! Great work so far~ (and agree, Brachy has a nice tail psstpsst)

    1. Thank you so much! Can't wait either XD There's still a lot that needs to get done..
      (Brachy best boi)


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