Old cosplays I'm going to remake!


Realizing that before Linkle happened, the "newest" cosplay I've made was Fiona Belli from Haunting Ground! It was long ago since I made it and most of my older cosplays are now fabric/material donors. There are definitely still some I want to remake and cosplay in the future as well (and get better/up to date pics)! Here are the ones that came to mind..

Sheena Fujibayashi - Tales of Symphonia

Now my wife Sheena here is still one of my favorite female video game characters of all time. She really left a mark on me and I want to cosplay her again, though this time it'll be improved! I want the whole cosplay look more crisp and accurate, the colors of choice were way off and the blue wig I used isn't doing it for me anymore. And also I'm going to have Corrine on my side! I've always wanted to learn how to make plushies. ^^ Also proper boot covers that actually hold together! Though I must add that there are other versions in the game I'm interested to make, we'll see how this goes! :))

Chizuru Yukimura - Hakuouki: Shinsengumi Kitan

I used to cosplay Chizuru a lot back in the days and she is still very dear to me. I've remade this costume many times and now that I'm working on this again, I hope this will be the final form I'm happy with. I want to move on to the western version so badly! There definitely are many things I'm doing differently and a little extra, since this time I'll make Chizuru's sword and that gray gradient on her hakama. This is going to be fun! :D 

Retsu Unohana - Bleach

I'm not ready to let go of Bleach completely. I like to have comfortable cosplays around and remake the poor Minazuki plush I used to have. Little guy served my late doggie as his pillow, so precious <3 ;A; Of course I already like Unohana a lot (like seriously, she's a damn fine lady), but a memory like this really makes me want to make this even more. I'm looking forward to get to work on this! 

Not much cosplay progress this time, since I am currently working on Chizuru. Paya required a lot more brain work than I thought, lol! See ya soon! :D

Shinpachi for inspiration! :D


  1. I am so happy you will remake all of these characters, I really remember those cosplays the most I think!
    The Minazuki pillow had an important job. ;_; Also, with Bleach getting a new anime (omg??) I think it will revive a bit! I also want to fix my Bleach cosplays...

    1. Uu yeah, I'm pumped!
      Omg I forgot about the new anime XD SOS
      I hope Bleach would revive and more cosplayers would rise <3


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