Backyard photoshoot - Linkle edition!

Hello everyone!

While I was doing a makeup test for Linkle and a lens review I decided to use this opportunity to take some pics of the whole cosplay as it is. All I'm really missing is the compass and the crossbows and a little detail from the cape that I noticed just now <_< Oh well, this was a nice way of testing the cosplay out. 
Practicing social distancing and also for the old times sake these pictures are taken in our backyard. I guess it kind of works. :D 
My bf was the photographer :3

"OwO What's this?"

I need to learn to do cosplay makeup again lol. I haven't done it for ages.. even everyday makeup really. Next post is going to be about the compass and crossbows. I'll try to wrap it up then and have some new pictures taken hopefully! :3 This is it for now, Sallukka rolls out!


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