Dice children I want to cosplay (updated version)

Hi travellers!

I wanted to make a post about some original characters I want to cosplay, but I wanted to include some kind of picture of them, so I took a very long time to check color schemes, sketching different designs and once I got something I was happy, I ended up redesigning them again after some time again, (and again!) lol. Well, I can say they're finished now. These are my Dungeons and Dragons characters. Sure I have some other original characters I made in the past for different types of role plays and yeah I want to rewrite and redesign them, but I'm not as invested in them as I am in these babes. :)

Name: Vamppi/Isabella Tealeaf
Race: Halfling
Class: Bard/Fighter

This brave little halfling was the first character I created. I didn't have any idea what I was going to do with her. Just like with any rp, the character grew and evolved while playing. To say something about her backstory she had a rough start. Her father was very abusive physically and emotionally mainly towards Vamppi's mother Rose. Reason being that Rose had a one-night thing with an elf and this particular elf is the father of our halfling... allegedly. The father is unknown, but needless to say, Vamppi wanted to get out from her parents house and start a new life. She started as a performer in a tavern, where she was dragged to an adventure!

Name: Mystery (yes, literally)
Race: Tiefling
Class: Sorcerer

Mystery was originally created for a one-shot game, but ended up keeping her in the campaign along with all the other party members. Mystery is a book-nerd kind of a girl, who loves cats. She's very into studying and learning about her powers and magic abilities. Later on she started working as a librarian and on occasion help out a certain mad scientist with his projects. She doesn't give out much about her personality or anything about herself really, she just doesn't seem to give a shit about anything really (true neutral). She doesn't make any facial expressions and kinda looks dead inside most of the time. I love her so much <3

Name: Hecat Zalderen
Race: Tiefling
Class: Fighter (Archer)

Another tiefling? When I created her, I wanted to basically roll the dice while making this character, gender, race etc. and this is the result. Hecat comes from a wealthy family and from surface seems to be having the best life. No one knows how abusive her father really is, so she along with her brothers and sisters, left the castle they lived in to go on adventures and learn more about fighting and self-defense. I know the bow in the drawing looks weird, please forgive me, I'll do better in next drawings of her <3

So yeah, this was it. Cosplay-wise, I'll most likely start either from Mystery or Hecat. I just want to cosplay a character with horns. :'D
Hope you enjoyed me rambling about my dearest adventurers <3

 This is it for now. Byee!


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